Actionable insight, ideas, and inspiration to make websites easy & tech fun!

33: Typography matters: how to pick the right fonts for your website text
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33: Typography matters: how to pick the right fonts for your website text

Typography plays a crucial role in shaping the perception and effectiveness of a website. In this episode of ThinkInsideTheSquare, we’ll dive into the world of typography and its impact on web design. From defining essential terms every Squarespace user should know to providing actionable tips on font selection and usage, this episode offers valuable insights into crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

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28: How to build your email list using Squarespace
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28: How to build your email list using Squarespace

Imagine thousands of people, delighted to see your email in their inbox. Its possible for any and every business that is willing to put in the work to build their email list!

In this episode of ThinkInsideTheSquare, you'll get actionable advice on how to use Squarespace features to build a list of subscribers, eager to sign up for what you have to share with them.

You'll get ideas for an opt-in offer that your audience can't resist, we'll also navigate the critical elements of a compelling landing page and dissect the art of crafting a thoughtful welcome email sequence.

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27: How to Sell Digital Products on Squarespace
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27: How to Sell Digital Products on Squarespace

Squarespace has a site styles menu that you can use to change the fonts, the colors, the buttons, styles, and all kinds of different things about the design of your Squarespace website. But what if I told you that that design menu was one of many?? In this episode of Think Inside the Square, you'll learn about the secret design menus hidden inside Squarespace that you might not even know about.

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26: Squarespace SEO: 5 tips that will Boost Your Site's Visibility in search
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26: Squarespace SEO: 5 tips that will Boost Your Site's Visibility in search

Let’s get your website in front of the people who are looking for you. In this deep dive into Squarespace SEO, you'll learn 5 tips that will Boost Your Site's Visibility in search. Get ready to make Google your best friend and attract the audience that is trying to find the content you create. We’re gunna supercharge your online presence in this episode of ThinkInsideTheSquare

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25: Optimizing Visual Content for A Faster Squarespace Website
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25: Optimizing Visual Content for A Faster Squarespace Website

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if it takes forever to load? In this episode, you'll learn the secrets to optimizing images and graphics for your website. I’ll be sharing my best tips for creating quality images for your Squarespace website so your content looks good and loads quickly.

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24: The Art of Organizing Your Website Content // Squarespace Content Tips
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24: The Art of Organizing Your Website Content // Squarespace Content Tips

Even the most simple Squarespace website still has a lot of content on it. From images to text blocks, forms, and links, it can be a LOT to keep track of. Trust me, with over 300 blog posts, and more every week, I needed a solid system to keep my content organized. Wanna learn how I do it? Cool - because that’s exactly what I’m covering in this episode of ThinkInsideTheSquare!

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23: Squarespace for Beginners: How to build a Squarespace website in 2024
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23: Squarespace for Beginners: How to build a Squarespace website in 2024

In this episode of "ThinkInsideTheSquare," I will guide you through the process of creating a Squarespace website. Whether you're new to Squarespace or considering an upgrade to version 7.1, this high-level overview will help you get started. You’ll learn some pointers on using the program, info about how to planning your pages, tips for adding and editing content, customizing fonts and colors, and I’ll wrap this up with some important settings you should know about before you launch your site.

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22: Behind The Scenes of InsideTheSquare
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22: Behind The Scenes of InsideTheSquare

In this episode of ThinkinsideTheSquare I’m going to give you the list of my top 5 favorite time saving software sidekicks, and then explain how each one of them is a game changer for me as a solo business owner here InsideTheSquare.

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