How to Hide a Page in Squarespace

What you’ll need: An existing page on your Squarespace 7.1 site

How to hide a page:

  1. Click pages on the top of your menu

  2. Hover over the page you want to duplicate until you see the gear icon

  3. Click on that gear icon to open your page settings menu

  4. On the general menu, scroll down to the Enable Page option and toggle that off so it won’t accessible by your site visitors.

  5. Optional: on the SEO tab, toggle on the option to Hide Page from Search Results so Google won’t be able to find it either!

Important info: This is specific for individual pages, and the setup is slightly different for blog posts, products, and projects.


Squarespace Circle Leader & Creator of

How to add an SEO title to a blog post in Squarespace


How to Duplicate Page in Squarespace