How to Create a Jump-To-Recipe Button on Your Squarespace Blog

This tutorial was recorded in Squarespace 7.1 but also applies to legacy sites built on version 7. For more information, visit

If you’re a food blogger or cookbook author who uses Squarespace, you know how important it is to have an organized and easy-to-navigate website.

One way to make navigating your posts easier is by adding a “Jump To Recipe” button.

Adding a Jump-To-Recipe button on your Squarespace blog is simple and straightforward once you know how!

This allows readers to easily jump from the top of your blog post where they can read about the history of the recipe, how to pick the best ingredients, and easy instructional hacks to the good part- the actual recipe card that features all the details about cooking the dish!

Neat, huh?

Here’s how to create one for your Squarespace blog using my step-by-step video tutorial to show you how to set this up on a Squarespace blog post.

I’ve written out the details and code that you’ll need below the video!

Here are the steps to get started:

Step 1: Create Anchor Links 

The first step in creating a jump-to-recipe button is creating anchor links. These are special links that allow you to link within the same page.

To start, you’ll need to add a code block wherever you want readers to be able to jump from and another one wherever you want them to jump to. 

Inside that code block, you’ll use HTML to create your anchor.

Here is an example that you can copy and paste directly into your site:

<div id=”recipe”> </div>

Step 2: Add The Button

Now that you have your anchor link set up, it’s time to add your button!

To do this go back to the top of your post, or wherever you want the button to be.

Add a button block of any style.

Primary, secondary, or tertiary - whatever looks best for your jump to recipe button. 

Add the button text Jump To Recipe and the link is the name of your anchor with a hashtag in front of it, like this: #recipe

That’s it! You now have a functioning Jump-To-Recipe Button on your Squarespace blog! 

The best part? This button will work on any recipe post. The link you created won't leave the page you are on, so you can follow these two steps for every recipe blog post on your site.

By utilizing the code block in Squarespace to create your anchor link, you can quickly create an organized website with helpful features like this that will keep readers engaged with all of the delicious recipes posted on your site.

Happy cooking everyone!


Squarespace Circle Leader & Creator of

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